Ahhh warning labels...

i-5f9964b092613895a827b93d5516a9f9-20949-Lindsay-Lohan---Nicole-Richie--_w.jpgIt seems warning labels might be popping up in a few more places - one of which is on the inside of clothing for larger people? I wonder if they're going to put pictures on the label? I can't see a warning label doing much good there.
Check out their other recommendations:

Clothes made in larger sizes should carry a tag with an obesity helpline number, health specialists have suggested. Sweets and snacks should not be permitted near checkouts, new roads should not be built unless they include cycle lanes and food likely to make people fat should be taxed, they say in a checklist of what we might "reasonably do" to deal with obesity.

Here's the original article.

Maybe they should start putting warning labels on the really small clothing as well. So which is more unhealthy, anorexia or obesity?

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That photo is frightening.

By Genevieve Williams (not verified) on 15 Dec 2006 #permalink

yeah tell me about it! One couldn't hope for a better picture illustrating anorexia.

I actually wonder if it was photoshopped.

You have a warning label recommendation for this blog?
I'd love to put one on! hahah

So which is more unhealthy, anorexia or obesity?

Prevalence for anorexia is 0.3%
Prevalence for obesity [BMI>30] is >30% [in USA]
Prevalence of BMI>35 is ~15%
Cost of obesity >$100 billion

By natural cynic (not verified) on 15 Dec 2006 #permalink

well its clear that obesity is more 'unhealthy' to society but what about personally?

A quite small proportion of those wearing really small clothing are anorectic, while a rather large proportion of those wearing really large clothing are obese, so the case for warning labels clearly is a lot stronger for the latter.

By brtkrbzhnv (not verified) on 15 Dec 2006 #permalink

yeah I wasn't serious about putting warning labels in small clothing ;)

Sam, you don't recognize nicole richie and lindsay lohan?

stop with the crack lohan

meh... I picked that picture b/c it was simply ridiculous. I know that it has been touched up....clearly.

Ok seriously with the warning labels about obesity, fat people know they are fat. We don't need to shove it down their faces or make their health choices for them. That isn't to say that we shouldn't encourage healthy eating and excercise, but last time I checked this was still a free country which means people are free to make their own decisions even if they are bad ones.

I am very tired of the whole nanny state you need to be in the shape we tell you thing.

It WAS PHOTOSHOPPED! and obesity and anorexia are both bad so why not put it on BOTH it will make it easier and no more battles about it! and who ever did that picture on photoshop just to make it look more sick is a retard!