Omni Brain Mobile

i-51540416a36a1e424c5d5f4b4259cc57-merlin_huge_cellphone.jpgDo you want to read Omni Brain on your cellphone?!?!?!?!?
Yeah I knew you did.

Go to this website for the mobile version:

Every mobile site also has a Winksite ID. They are the quickest way to navigate
to a site before you have bookmarked it on your mobile phone.
Launch your mobile Web Browser and enter the URL "".
Once at Winksite, click "Direct Access", then enter the Winksite ID
for the site you wish to visit. The Winksite ID for
"Omni Brain" is #19733.

I'm not so sure this guy gets web access on his phone - but if you have one a couple years newer you can probably check out the Omni Brain without too many troubles.

Also... don't forget to sign up for the regular feed!!


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