The Slate on Brains

i-b43b21d0b35b9d571c076aecf272d3e6-chalkboard-drawing.jpgIt looks like Slate, over the next few days, is going to have a series of articles on some yummy looking neuroscience!
Here's a few details:

Welcome to "Brains!", Slate's special issue on mind science and the state of neuro-culture. Over the next few days, we'll present a series of articles about how laboratory research on the brain makes its way into our daily lives.
Wednesday, William Saletan revisits the most compelling brain-related stories of the year, from mind-reading fMRI scans to the effects of brain damage on morality. Max Linsky heads to the local brain gym for a neurobic work out--and ends up in a battle of wits with a woman 50 years his senior. Meghan O'Rourke sits down and assesses the growing trend toward neurological self-improvement, and Brendan I. Koerner explains how Jerry Falwell and a Nobel prize-winning chemist helped make ginko biloba the top-selling brain-enhancing supplement. Finally, we ask a panel of eminent scientists--like Steven Pinker and Oliver Sacks--to explain how learning about the brain has changed the way they behave from day to day.

And more!!!

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