Multimedia Friday | 07/27/2007

Since we're talking about panicking about drugs today, complements of Robot Chicken:

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There's another Salmonella multistate outbreak, this one involving 12 states and, so far, 32 cases. As with the infmaous tomator and/or pepper problem during the summer, the Minnesota Department of Public Health's laboratory has been in the lead in tracking down the source. Salmonella is killed by…
"The laws in this city are clearly racist. All laws are racist. The law of gravity is racist." -Marion Barry The law of gravity, contrary to what Marion Barry says, is -- perhaps -- the most indiscriminate of all the laws of nature. What do I mean? Well, you get a large collection of matter and…
2008 was a rotten year for a lot of people, I know, but I'll always have a soft spot for it, because it marked the beginning of the SteelyKid Era. There was plenty that sucked about 2008, but not nearly enough to outweigh that. (There will be Baby Blogging later today, but the Empress of Eastern…
A couple weeks back we discussed a study examining stereotypes about music fans and how they related to actual fans' real preferences. Unfortunately, the researchers couldn't test one of the most intriguing stereotypes about music fans: the types of drugs and alcohol preferred by fans of particular…