
You lol'ed at science education spoof Look Around You: Brain, and now for Halloween here's Look Around You: Ghosts. In this nine minute pseudoscience mockumentary you'll learn things like, "Ectoplasm is perfectly safe to eat, and tastes like pig's milk." Spooky!

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It's that time of the year again... the temperature is dropping, pumpkins are being carved, and there's that creepy rustling in the woods as you walk by. All Hallow's Eve fast approaches, and with it come tales of mysterious disappearances, strange sightings, and all kinds of things that go bump in…
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Today, the Skeptics' Circle turns 40. Well, not exactly, but it is the 40th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle, and this time around it's being held at Daylight Atheism. Once again, it's time for an antidote for the rampant credulity in the blogosphere, where dubious stories travel around the world…
The Actual Words of Afroleninist Barack Hussain bin-Obama's planned speech to the School Children of Amerika have been obtained by this blogger, and I have few comments on them. A Guest Blog by Jimmy James Bettencourt Until I read this speech, I was pretty happy with Obama. I have not been paying…

Ouija boards tested and reviewed

Diodes, marbles, and valves

Ghosts cannot whistle

-- The narrator is the real star, able to say all of that with a straight voice, as it were.

these are fantastic!

Hey Guys, I just wanted you to know that you don't have to be a reductionist materialist to enjoy the humor of this piece.

You may even be surprised to know that there are mediums, like myself, who actually do care about the scientific method and rigorous research, even though we disagree about the state of consciousness once the brain dies.

Also, for what it's worth, I have been vigorously challenging David Thompson, a British medium now living in Australia, regarding his most ridiculous claims about ectoplasm and his physical materialization claims.

Anyway, I think this video is hilarious and I am going to add a link to it on my own blog, I done thunk with due credit to Omni Brain.

All jokes and laughter aside, I do think that it is possible to address and discuss the questions that still surround the conflicting theories of consciousness without having to resort to attacks and ridicule. I hope we can all agree on this point at least.
