Does Dr Fun know me?


At least he didn't reveal my secret identity as mild-mannered biologist, Dr PZ Myers.


More like this

Are those pharyngeal arches near your neck?


You should ask his permission to make that one of your rotating art images...

Cool, PZ has advanced from mundane to soon-to-be super hero.

But what have harpooners who have made $$ to do with PZ favorite villains like IDiots and other antiscientists?

Granted, they do try to make as much money as they can. But they try to kill truth, not trout.

By Torbjorn Larsson (not verified) on 18 Jan 2006 #permalink

is your alter ego a latex fetishist?

That's another one I'd pay to see IRL.

Also: If ripping off the beard is part of your costume routine, it would certainly explain the ferocity.