As long as I'm saying nice things about Kansans…

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A college basketball game takes a bit over two hours-- 2:10 is pretty typical, what with all the timeouts and miscellaneous stoppages of play. A blowout takes a bit less, a close game a bit more (what with all the intentional fouling at the end), but it's a rare game that finishes in under two…


We're just making sure it works better. Part of the reconciliation package, I think she's talking about. Yes, it's a reform of the program to make sure it functions better. It is -- in other words, we're not taking people off student loans, we're saving money in the student loan program because it's inefficient.

You can almost hear him thinking "Yeah, that's the ticket."

haha, that's exactly what I thought. ;)

It probably makes a terrible grinding noise, like a dying hard drive.

By Tara Mobley (not verified) on 24 Jan 2006 #permalink

Everytime I hear a Bush quote I am reminded of the voter who was asked, "Why are you voting Bush for President."

"I like him. He is the kind of guy you can have a beer with".

Never underestimate the power of stupidity. It crashes economies, starts wars, boosts alcoholism, and is truely a self perpetuating phenomena.