For a novel perspective...

Until Orac sent me a link, I had no idea there was a Zapatopi weblog—it's going onto the blogroll right now.

It's the only weblog out there that I know of that has an octopus as a contributor. Or a Sasquatch.

More like this

Since the blogroll amnesty day earlier this month was such a flop, I thought I'd reframe it. Today is Blogroll Open Enrollment day! What that means is that this is your opportunity to get onto the Pharyngula blogroll, after you jump through some hoops. There are a few absolute requirements. For…
This worked fairly well last time around, so let's try it again. If you'd like to have your blog on the Pharyngula blogroll, here's what you should do: Examine your blog with a critical eye. If you are espousing creationism, Intelligent Design creationism, the beauty of unthinking acceptance of…
Alright, people, I'm gonna get tough. You know what I want, and you'd better give it to me. I've got a bible here, and a 44oz. Diet Coke…lots of liquid containing a diuretic, to boot. In about an hour, I figure my bladder is going to be pretty full. You know what could happen. I don't need…
Continuing with asking for your help in fixing my Blogroll: Every couple of days or so, I will post here a list of blogs that start with a particular letter, and you add in the comments if you know of something that is missing from that list. See so far:Numbers and SymbolsA Today brought to you by…

This is bad, very bad. I had no idea there were links between Sasquatches and Pacific Tree Octopuses. The Tree Octopi are well known as advance land forces of the Cephalopod Overlords but they were not considered an immediate threat. With the improved land mobility avaiable through alliance with Sasquatch our time is getting very short.

Our best hope would be to publish false information "proving" that cooperatoion between such different "kinds" could only come about because of Intelligent Design. This will so anger the Cephalopdd Overlords that will direct the Octo-Sasquatch teams to attack the Discovery Institute thereby buying us all addtional time to prepare.

By CanuckRob (not verified) on 27 Jan 2006 #permalink

I did say it was mean, and lots of people on that thread disagreed (your names will be reported to our Cephalopod Overlords and you will probably be the first people fed to the Sasquatches) I, for one, am happy with the alliance!

By afarensis (not verified) on 27 Jan 2006 #permalink