So that's who Condi reminds me of...

Would you believe Rick Moranis?

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According to their sacred literature, anyway. Would you believe this collection of angry ignorant kooks whining about their taxes in local American politics is actually written up in the Bible? Yeah, this is the fourth Tea Party movement: the first was after the death of Solomon, the second was led…
At the Inaugural ceremonies, the opening invocation will be given by Rick Warren, evangelical author of The Purpose-Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? and all-around wanker. He called for political assassination, telling Sean Hannity that it is the role of government to "take [] out" leaders…
In an interview defending himself against justified charges of homophobia, Rick Warren insisted: For 5,000 years, every single culture and every single religion has defined marriage as a man and a woman. Not quite. As the polygamous founder of the polygamy-espousing Church of Jesus Christ of…
I was on the phone last night with my friend Rick and he told me about this project called Kalamazoo Promise. I grew up in a suburb of Kalamazoo and my parents still live there. Rick works for the city of Kalamazoo today. Someone very wealthy in the area - and their identity is a complete mystery…

"We're all assholes sir"

There seems to be a distortion on the lens there that makes everything to the edges of the picture frame broaden out. You can see the head of the man behind her is equally gargantuan in the longitudinal dimension

Condi doesn't as much scare me as annoy the hell out of me. Her perpetually agitated tone always sounds like she's either about to start screaming, or she's on the verge of tears.