Happy 197th Birthday, Charles!


Let's bring out the cake and ice cream and celebrate!

Gosh he's quite the senior citizen! :)

197 must be a record!

By BlueIndependent (not verified) on 12 Feb 2006 #permalink

We have a baby coming sometime in May, a girl. We're thinking of Darwin as a middle name.

Wait for 2008 or 9 then (!)
BIG thrash we hope!

Darwin was born on the same day as Abraham Lincoln .... Erm .....

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 12 Feb 2006 #permalink

We have a baby coming sometime in May, a girl. We're thinking of Darwin as a middle name.

To much of using the innocent for your own agenda.
But if anyone wants a purely nice yet biological name, it's Liana.

By Pete Dunkelberg (not verified) on 12 Feb 2006 #permalink

Well, I whisked the family off to the local United Church of Christ for Sunday services! (they were signatories of the Evolution Sunday Clergy Letter Project) However, it appears that today is Racial Equality Sunday in Illinois. However, race wasn't really discussed either. Oh well, the snowy countryside was beautiful to see on our way out there! What a weird Darwin day....I feel like I've been had. Lured into a church! I'm going to correct this injustice with a walk down the creek.

By Pattanowki (not verified) on 12 Feb 2006 #permalink

He doesn't look a day over 150.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 12 Feb 2006 #permalink