With God, all things are possible


It feels like cartoon day on Pharyngula, but this one is so good I had to mention it. Tom Tomorrow takes on Saint Thomas DeLay.

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Please tell me this is a joke?

Well, the Tom Tomorrow cartoon is real, the subject may be a bit of a joke.

And speaking of The Hammer and his jokey defenders, check out this clip on Oliver Willis, where a caller essentially argues that any media attention whatsoever to Mr. Delay's situation constitutes "bias"...

By Rheinhard (not verified) on 10 Apr 2006 #permalink

Love the Jack Chick reference...

This was so funny that I went and pissed my pants...again.

Similar to the Bill Hicks comedy sketch where during the seven days of creation a trickster god is gleefully burying dinosaur bones as a test of faith.

'But it seemed so plausible!'

I got beat to the Bill Hick reference. That sketch is hilarious. he does a few variations of it. Great stuff. The bit about Jesus pulling a thorn from the dino's paw is great too.

That is exactly what I think fundamentalist Christians believe. If evidence appears against their beliefs, it has to be Satan, o maybe Lucifer.

i loved the 'life of brian' reference! gonna be humming that song for hours now... and whistling...

That is exactly what I think fundamentalist Christians believe. If evidence appears against their beliefs, it has to be Satan, o maybe Lucifer.

or PZ Myers......oh wait, you already said Satan. [chuckle]