Arr, it be a wondrous beastie


Alas, I fear that if I let myself be bitten by a squid, all I'd get for my trouble is a very nasty infection, and possibly a few toxins.

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Diego: Ouch.

PZ: How do you know until you try? ;)

More squid sex! More cartoons! Anything to get that Coulter picture off the front page.

So if a squid gets bitten by Clyde Roper he (the squid) turns into....?

By Tania Winter (not verified) on 11 Apr 2006 #permalink

What combination of animal bites produced Jonah Goldberg?

By mathpants (not verified) on 11 Apr 2006 #permalink

mathpants- I think a radioactive dung beetle was implicated in that one.

By MJ Memphis (not verified) on 11 Apr 2006 #permalink

I got bitten by a baby octopus once. It was in a crab pot when we pulled it. I picked it up and held it on the palm of my hand. Not a great idea; he bit me with his little beak.

"Alas, I fear that if I let myself be bitten by a squid, all I'd get for my trouble is a very nasty infection, and possibly a few toxins."

Of course; you have to be bitten by a radioactive squid! Everyone knows that!

Or in our Modren Era, a genetically-modified squid, of course. And maybe fall into a vat of stem cells.

Popcorn batter optional. Garlic only recommended if you're fighting off vampires.

The other problem with working with squid is that they tend to squirt you when you pick them up. I got through a summer at MBL working on squid development while avoiding being drenched. Not so my lab-mate!

By David Lewin (not verified) on 11 Apr 2006 #permalink