CotG #38

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Well, I mean, or celebrate Easter by getting laid. I mean, as a student I do enough thinking. I can tell you what I don't get enough of, though...

Yay for fertility!

By arc_legion (not verified) on 16 Apr 2006 #permalink

Yeah, and that's really the True Meaning of Easter anyway. Like PZ said: plow the field, then, you know, plow the field.

And for my part, I still celebrate Easter with chocolate eggs and easter bunnies and all of that, since that doesn't have anything to do with the world's morbid fixation on a crucifiction. Easter, after all, is the celebration of Easter. The Catholics didn't try very hard, did they? I mean, the holiday still carries the name of the pagan goddess that it celebrated.

Right here in the middle of a Bible-Belt Red State, my daughter was not aware that Easter was today! We had a wonderful weekend together as a family, and nobody cared there were no evil-looking chocolate bunnies around, either.

"Easter, after all, is the celebration of Easter. The Catholics didn't try very hard, did they? I mean, the holiday still carries the name of the pagan goddess that it celebrated."

Have you noticed that many of the more extreme types on TBN and elsewhere now refer to it as Resurrection Sunday rather than Easter? They haven't completely stopped saying "Easter," nor have they gotten around to claiming that calling it Easter is part of the "war on Christians" (although I expect that soon enough), but it seems like someone finally noticed.

Best, Marc