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I'm worth more than Josh$2,512,980.


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First Gabe and Tycho, and now Josh…it's so cute. I bought my very first Mac in 1984, the 128K model, with an external disk drive. I later upgraded that to an amazing 512K of RAM, with a 30MB hard drive. I'm a truly godless man, but if I have anything close to religion, it is the Cult of Macintosh.
I'm not qualified to say if science and health reporting has gotten worse in recent years. Maybe I'm just paying more attention to how bad it often is now. My impression is that some reporters today are as good or better than we've ever had but there are fewer of them on the beat. This is…
In Newsweek's "blog watch" section, due to hit the stands today apparently, one of the group blogs that I write for, In the Agora, is mentioned. We would normally welcome the mention in a major publication, but in this case they did a very poor job of reporting on the facts of the "Schiavo memo"…

Looks like somebody found a good way to collect marketing information from suckers.

By Alopex Lagopus (not verified) on 19 Apr 2006 #permalink

If PZ had suckers, I'm sure he'd be worth even more money...

By Dawn O'Day (not verified) on 19 Apr 2006 #permalink

$2,132,100. I attribute my poor showing to my continued studenthood/poverty.

Totally gave a fake email though. No marketers for me.

What kind question is "Length of your Penis"?????
Bet no one told the truth on that one, bell curve went way to one side.......

Yeah, wow, that's, um, quite an information-fishing deal they've got going there. Any more intrusive and it'd be asking for SSNs and credit card numbers.

By Anne Nonymous (not verified) on 19 Apr 2006 #permalink

I'm worth $2.53M. Must be so high because of my 10 inch python.

hmmm... being a income-less student who uses recreational drugs really hurts your valuation. Oh well, my advice is "buy now while the price is good!".

Clean livin' and a great sense of style led me to be worth: $2,819,386. Not too shabby if I say so myself.