A public service announcement for all the kids in the audience

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A leading rights activist in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been found dead in the capital, Kinshasa. Floribert Chebeya's body was discovered, partially clothed, on the back seat of his own car. source He was last known to have gone to a meeting with the national chief of police, Genral John…
Peter Baker in the Washington Post writes: The Iraqi death toll has been the subject of considerable debate. A group of British researchers and antiwar activists called Iraq Body Count estimates civilian casualties between 27,383 and 30,892, not counting Iraqi troops or insurgents, by tabulating…
Bill Wallo has replied to my post on the 9th amendment. In the process, he dubs me "Ed the Culture War Guy". Rusty has previously dubbed me "Ed the Evolutionist". I'm beginning to sound like a comic book character here, but I shall persevere nonetheless. :) My position on the 9th amendment, you may…

Um, the URL in that post just sends me back to Pharyngula. Is this an example of insidious blogger's egotism syndrome or something more innocent?

He does have a certain charm.

One time I googled my name (yes, I do that once in a while), I came across a right-winged blog or forum where one of my comments was used as an example of everything that's wrong with pro-choice people (I believe I said something about abortion not being murder in neither the biological nor the legal sense).
I still take that as one of the highest honours bestowed upon me.

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 25 Apr 2006 #permalink

Congratulations, Kristjan Wager!

I started to feel moderately inhibited when I discovered that my mother periodically googles my name to find out what and where I've been writing. But hey, I've been out of the house a long time, and at least I know she cares. (Hi, Mom. Lots of love!)