It's what's for dinner


Maybe he's just matching my cynicism, but Tom Tomorrow has been perfect lately.


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As if we didn't know that George W. Bush could kill babies with his bare hands and still have defenders. Well, maybe if he did it live on TV, they might not rush to his defense, but they'd at least have to throw in how he was driven to it by liberals.

By David Wilford (not verified) on 07 May 2006 #permalink

I've always loved Tom Tomorrow, but it usually takes at least three or four panels before I have to clean the coffee off my computer screen. This time: Home run on panel one. Eeeewwww!

Are shit sandwiches like stone soup? Maybe Bush is finally taking credit for his effects on the American masses and trying to "feel our pain," financially, by eating only what we, the masses, can afford to eat. With this in mind, I think it would be a good political move if Bush really did eat shit sandwiches.

Mike Fox

Best. Tom. Tomorrow. Strip. Ever. That one's going on the side of the freezer in my lab alongside a couple of his other classics. T.T. is my hero.

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 08 May 2006 #permalink