Mothers-to-be day?

It's appropriate to have a poem about pregnancy today—so go read Adapted, Not Designed. It's lovely, and I think you can tell from the title that there's another reason I like it.

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I like this:

I am not the product of a god
but of a committee of lovers
My body knows what it's doing
I don't need to know its teacher
I don't have time to learn all their names.

I like it a lot.

That was really nice. I'm in the process of carrying a fetus, and I've been fascinated with all the things that my body is doing during this. I've also been noticing a lot of flaws in our current structure I didn't notice before. And I still think we placental mammals are weird.

By Tara Mobley (not verified) on 14 May 2006 #permalink