Feminists cause global warming!


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I'm not sure that Sean has it right. I suspect that you could also find a direct correlation between global warming and the rise of both conservative wingnuttery and right-wing fundamentalist Christianity.

I thought it was greenhouse gas emissions from eating Mexican food. Another hypothesis falsified by empirical research.

I think he's on to something. Could be a result of all those burnt bras.

By Dylan Llyr (not verified) on 01 Jun 2006 #permalink

Actually, a guy on Last Comic Standing had a bit about high gas prices and women. You see, women don't have sex with guys who ride the bus, nor do they have sex with guys who drive fuel-efficient cars. If you want to do something about high gas prices (and greenhouse gas emissions) then start having sex with guys who ride the bus.

Gapminder is a useless tool for this since it doesn't allow you to graph the global distribution of pirates.

I guess the jig is up!

I humbly apologize for causing Global Warming.

I fix it in a jiffy, just after I finish being the cause for Terrorism.

By cathy in seattle (not verified) on 01 Jun 2006 #permalink

No, no, no. It isn't feminism that causes global warming, it's anti-feminist backlash. Once men get started on how mistreated they are by those mean feminists they produce a LOT of CO2.