Essential truths


Do cephalopods confound the search for essential truths, or do they enhance it?


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What's so meaningful about being able to have a hectocotylus to inject sperm packets with?

It's flexible. It has suckers. Think about it for a bit.

Good God, What are you cephalopods doing in my bedroom?
*cue porn music*

By Left_Wing_Fox (not verified) on 07 Jun 2006 #permalink

I sure wish I lived in T-Rex's neighborhood...

I sure wish Ann Coulter lived in T. Rex's neighborhood. They could sit down over tea and have a nice discussion about evolution.

ulg said It's flexible. It has suckers. Think about it for a bit.

And it comes off while you're using it, and then you die soon after.
After I'm through, I would at least like to live long enough to enjoy two post-coital cigarettes before dropping dead from exhaustion and genetically programmed death.

Or worse it comes off before you've used it and has sex without you.

By Dave Godfrey (not verified) on 07 Jun 2006 #permalink

"I sure wish Ann Coulter lived in T. Rex's neighborhood."

Preferably in the log cabin.

I almost snorted coffee through my nose just then.

I think Ann Coulter is actually a raccoon.

We just want to take away your rights, T-Rex