I feel an Edward G. Robinson impersonation coming on

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Larry Darby, the holocaust-denying atheist crackpot, also lost his primary race. Good news for Alabamans!

"I've played three presidents, three saints and two geniuses - and that's probably enough for any man." -- Charlton Heston, the greatest actor in all of history.

So... good news from Alabama! As a life long (well except for a stint in the NE during grad school) Alabamian who really does love the state, I cherish these moments. The really big news, though, was that the members of Roy Moore's "posse" were all resoundingly defeated in the primary as well.

Back when he was a federal court order defying criminal, and his fellow state Supreme Court justices gave him the boot, why, that got his dander up! So he cultivated some up and coming politicowhores to be his "boys". The four justices who righteously told him to "get lost" after that embarrassing, not to mention illegal, 10 Commandments stunt, all found themselves facing members of the Moore "posse" this primary. Coincidence? Heh.. maybe not.

All four were as roundly defeated as Moore, who nobody expected to win anyway... Now, this may be at least partly due to a rather bizarre Alabama tradition that allows us to declare which party's primary we wish to participate in at the polls! I, for example, walked right up to the table and with pure heart, clear conscience, and queasy stomach, said, "Republican!!" ... and proceded, like many of my rather left-leaning friends, to vote against the Moore sycophants.

Was still queasy last night, and even this morning, but when the results were revealed on the front page of my morning paper... you, know... the queasy started being replaced by hopeful. Not to suggest we don't still have a perty fur piece to go yet...
Uncle Don

I bring you these 15...[crash]...Ten! I bring you these Ten Commandments!

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 07 Jun 2006 #permalink

I'd be happier about the Alabama results if they hadn't simultaneously voted -- apparently by large margins -- to "protect traditional marriage" by writing a gay marriage ban into the state constitution. 8^(

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 07 Jun 2006 #permalink

Well, we here in Ohio- or as I like to call it, North Alabama- got there a year ahead of them. :(

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 07 Jun 2006 #permalink

Nah, North Alabama is the section of Pennsylvania between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. (Probably not too different from parts of Ohio.)

Larry Darby, the holocaust-denying atheist crackpot, also lost his primary race.

I guess the Alabaman public isn't ready for a rational, secular humanist, free-thinking atheist in office.

Larry Darby, the holocaust-denying atheist crackpot, also lost his primary race.

I guess the Alabaman public isn't ready for a rational, secular humanist, free-thinking atheist in office.

Oh? Was one running?

Hanging out with fairies and elves?

And, of course, more atheistic illogic is evident in PZ's post:

1. Christian runs for office.
2. Christian loses.
3. Therefore, God doesn't exist.

Yep. Makes perfect sense.

Hey, I have an argument that's actually logically valid:

1. Only a very stupid person would think that PZ, rather than making a joke, was seriously suggesting that Moore's political demise is evidence that God doesn't exist.
2. Jason thinks that PZ, rather than making a joke, was seriously suggesting that Moore's political demise is evidence that God doesn't exist.
3. Therefore, Jason is a very stupid person.

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 08 Jun 2006 #permalink

Yep. Makes perfect sense.

Relax, because I think if you'll recall the Moses story you will remember that the answer to the "where's your god now" question was that his god was up there in the heavens looking down upon Moses. In fact, I believe that the god of Moses turned Moses's staff into a snake and that snake went and ate up all the other snakeypoos that the court magicians had "poofed" into existence. Moses always won in the long run.

Moses always won in the long run.

When you are writing the script, your protagonist usually does. First you write him into a dilemma, then you think up an impressive bit of magic to get him out.

Standard comic book writing style that goes back thousands of years.