
Hey, everyone! The new ScienceBlogs main page has been launched, and the Seed nerd-kings have added a whole new crop of blogs here. Take a browse, you might discover some new favorites.

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Though you see it cheaply plastered across postcards and knick-knacks, aloha is a very deep and meaningful word in Hawaiian. Its exact origin is somewhat up for debate, though etymologists have said it comes from alo, which means sharing or present, oha meaning joy or affection, and ha, meaning…
If you are a regular reader of, you have probably already learned that two of our blogs have moved over to Discover blogs. Razib of Gene Expression has moved from here to his new digs over there. Read his Goodbye post on Sb and his Welcome post over at Discover. Ed Yong of Not…
Looking around ScienceBlogs today and yesterday, you may notice a crop of new, blue-and-white buttons on many of the blogs. No, it's not the latest in blog-homepage fashion (though they are pretty spiffy looking). The badges signify blogs that are participating in the ScienceBlogs/DonorsChoose…
A big event took place at noon Eastern time today. That's right, the soccer World Cup has started, and as I type this, Germany leads Costa Rica 2-1. Oh, yeah, and because the science nerds need something to do while the sports fans are all obsessing over soccer, the new, improved ScienceBlogs front…

I'm not completely crazy about the new ScienceBlogs front page, but then I used the old one mainly to browse through the blurbs for new postings. The categorial groupings at the bottom of the new main page would be more useful to me if I were more focused on specific topics. Fortunately, the old format is pretty well preserved in the "Last 24 Hours" button at the top of the Channels column on the left. I'm thinking of making that page my bookmark for ScienceBlogs instead of the new main page.