I can rest easy…

…knowing that I've got Michael Bérubé defending academic freedom. I would dearly love to see him face-to-face with Horowitz, I think.


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A perfectly powerful and passionate defense of a sacred institution or a real democracy. He really paints vivid mental pictures of just how detached modern conservatism is from its own stated beliefs.

By BlueIndependent (not verified) on 13 Jun 2006 #permalink

Thanks for the link, PZ!
I'd just recently read Bérubé's earlier essay on the subject, the foundation for this one. I would not have guessed, then, that he could say it any better, but he has.

As to your expressed desire to see him face-to-face with He Who Shall Not Be Known By His First Initial and a Drastic Truncation of His Surname -- me too, but I'm not sure HWSNBKBHFIAADTOHS would even notice how neatly he'd been gutted. Bérubé does, after all, wield the sharpest scalpel in all pinko America-hating Islamofascist academia. To paraphrase the old joke:

Horowitz: Ha! You missed me!
Bérubé: Just wait until you try to nod your head.