2015: the big one

Perhaps Lindsay doesn't realize it, but she has data that pinpoint the date of the Singularity. Or the Rapture. Whatevs.


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Whoa. That blog post to which you link jumps from the Singularity to oral sex between one bloggy breath and the next. Non sequitur? But the kitchen's on fire!

How did we waste time and numb our brains before the Internet?

How did we waste time and numb our brains before the Internet?

Oh, come on, you must admit the internet is better than television...

By interrobang (not verified) on 18 Jun 2006 #permalink

I'm not sure about the singularity, but it is clear that disposable razors are approaching chaos via blade doubling. See http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FeigenbaumConstant.html for the relevant graph. Pretty soon it will be impossible to guess the number of blades on any given razor from nanosecond to nanosecond.

The great razor expansion means little for us bearded folks.

...but it means a lot to those of us with blade-assisted Kojakulation.