Does every blogger have to have a book now?

Then I guess I need to start typing faster. World o' Crap has a book out now. You know you want it: Better Living Through Bad Movies(amzn/b&n/abe/pwll).


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Does every blogger have to have a book now?

Yes. But there's not as much money in books as you'd think. Work with your agent to get Pharyngula:The Motion Picture greenlit.

Yes. Maybe you can get the Templeton Foundation to give you an advance for yours.

Once Maddox got his way, the firestorm began...

By BlueIndependent (not verified) on 27 Jun 2006 #permalink

The Templeton Foundation just dried up, after sending Mike Gene his advance for "The Design Matrix" [i just looooove the title]. That's right, kiddies, Abrhamoff et al financed the next Nero sequel. ;)

someone's got to write "How Intelligent Is The Designer?"