If loving you is Wong, I don't want to be right


Whoa. A reader sent a link to this lovely print—I wouldn't mind having that on my wall.

(please don't hate me for my title; it's actually called "Stay, and I will love thee," but I couldn't resist.)


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The image comes form ajapanese folk tale about a fisherman's wife who falls in love with an octopus. Tenticle sex has a long lineage in Japanese stories.

I don't care for her haircut. It would be better if it were long hair, all tangled and tentacle-y.

Blogging this early on a Sunday - isn't that an abomination?

Here's another version of the same story here

By James Orpin (not verified) on 02 Jul 2006 #permalink

Wow. You *are* a delightful pervert, aren't you?

By MNObserver (not verified) on 02 Jul 2006 #permalink

I've got some really amazing images by Soriyama (better known for his '50s-esque female robots) around here somewhere. Not work safe (there are nipples) but still very tasteful. That guy can really draw tentacles.

By sockatume (not verified) on 03 Jul 2006 #permalink