The freshmaker!

You can ignore the gushy science-groupie parts of this post (it just makes me blush, and wonder where all these girls were when I was single*), but the movie—which is on a completely different topic altogether—but the imbedded movie is hilarious.

*It was so long ago, they probably hadn't even been conceived yet, I know. It's OK, though, I found my science groupie, and I only really needed one.


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By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 04 Jul 2006 #permalink're kidding me...she said she has a "girl-hard-on" for you. These kids are great, aren't they? Can you imagine your daughter posting the same thing about some other middle aged prof like us?

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We she-geeks are out there. I met my fellow geek husband on the moderated Babylon 5 newsgroup almost 10 years ago. It just doesn't get any dorkier than that, does it? ;^)
By the way, we tried to see if biting into Altoids really does cause a spark a few years ago and our results were inconclusive. Do we at least get points for trying? There's also the CD in the microwave thing. Not good, very smelly.

I think it has to be LifeSavers Wintergreen mints - something about the flavor crystals. There was an amusing exchange on NPR with Ira Flatow and Linda Wertheimer (or maybe Nina Totenberg?) in a closet doing that experiment. Unfortunately, I can't find it in the NPR archives, but I swear I'm not making it up.

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