Monkey what?

Monkey what?

The Apostropher is committing blasphemy, heresy, and sacrilege with this surreal "Monkey Jesus" abomination. I must respond in kind with…Dr Monkey.


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"Jesus Monkey Pants in Space?"

What the HELL was THAT?!?

Cool, but...

What the HELL was THAT?!?

I love the little barrel drawer in his file cabinet underneath the biohazard, radioactivity and bananas drawers. Dr. Monkey is staring at me disapprovingly, he must know!

By Patrick Taylor (not verified) on 14 Jul 2006 #permalink

you're elevating george w by portraying him as a doctor

he knows what we do because nasa listens in & watches

where was dr monkey when ken lay died?

By harald hardrada (not verified) on 14 Jul 2006 #permalink

nsa not nasa

it's my sinuses -- killing me

give me a prescription, dr monkey

By harald hardrada (not verified) on 14 Jul 2006 #permalink

Jesus Monkey Pants in Space was indeed strange. We must stop the commodification of the OTHER . . . I guess?

By redstripe (not verified) on 14 Jul 2006 #permalink

the only problem with jesus monkeypants is its overweening sanctimoniousness & its lack of humor or wit -- it's an american trait -- if one lives outside the united states, one can spot americans not by how they look or act or what they wear or eat but by their goody-two-shoes attitude, whether it stems from religiosity or from secular pomposity

By harald hardrada (not verified) on 14 Jul 2006 #permalink

Jesus Monkey Pants In Space! Was kind of interesting, until the greedy lawyer stepped in, and then the crack about the teachers' union. Cliches get boring pretty quick.

nsa not nasa

it's my sinuses -- killing me

Oh, I thought you were just from another planet.


@harald: nope dude we still stop you by your apparel. But it is great you think so highly of your folks manners...... that`s coz we don`t!

PS: Although for the elderly americans that may hold true, nonetheless as far as the whole eating issue goes, it is big, so much as not to say salient. It has everything todo with creation of social reality (which includes politics) and hardly anything with population-genetics.

Go to the following site to see a chimp playing Pacman. It is rather impressive. It does that better than monkey Dubya riding a bike or monkey Cheney hunting.

Sorry, the software doesn't want to accept the web address link.

It is Goosing the Antithesis and easy to find.

Scroll down a little, but it is still dated July 15th.