
Who would have thought Wonder Woman sprang from such an unusual source?

Well, actually, I guess in retrospect that it was obvious.


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Does this mean Whedon's into bondage?

I've often wondered--although Wonder Woman, unlike Superman, is not actually invulnerable, she is pretty damn tough. Superman can't shave by ordinary methods and has to reflect his heat vision from a mirror. How does Wonder Woman get her bikini wax job done? Maybe Lois ought to be concerned?

By C.J.Colucci (not verified) on 25 Jul 2006 #permalink

This is also mentioned on a documentary about comics that pops up from time to time on the History Channel (I think). They also mention that there were very few issues where she wasn't tied up, being spanked, etc. They allowed that but Neil Gaiman couldn't get away with a character masturbating, go figure!

Funny coincidence -- or is it "funnies" coincidence? I was looking at the Sunday comics and was reminded of Seduction of the Innocent, that diabtribe from the 1950s that sparked an investigation of the comic book industry for its supposed use of subliminal images. The alarmists would have had a field day with Sunday's installment of Curtis, which I detail in Sometimes a heel is just a heel.

Keep in mind that Marston's other obsession was also represented in WW, her Lasso of Truth... he invented components that would eventually lead to the lie detector.

By tristan heydt (not verified) on 25 Jul 2006 #permalink