Off to the big city again

I'm heading in to Minneapolis for my morning at Camp Quest tomorrow—comments awaiting authorization may be held up for a while, so don't panic.

I may just pop in to the Minneapolis Drinking Liberally event tonight—we'll find out who actually reads the blog by who is surprised. There's also a Morris Drinking Liberally tonight that I'll have to miss, unfortunately.


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Watch out for zombies.

Have fun -- here in NYC, we're getting clobbered by another summer storm. My sky view is a little limited, but I'm still seeing some really impressive lightning, and really happy to be appreciating it from the safety of my apartment. Now if only my power doesn't go out... I didn't even get rebooted by last week's storms, though the area north of me got their power knoicked out for days.

By David Harmon (not verified) on 27 Jul 2006 #permalink

I only heard about Camp Quest two days ago on "The Colbert Report". Stephen had this to say:

"Well, Camp Quest, here's another activity. How about canoeing on a lake of hellfire for all of eternity? Sleep tight, kids." And here's the picture he posted with this commentary. How long will an aluminum canoe last in molten lava?