The 10,000 tentacles of Mr T?

This picture is just plain weird.


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But that membrane hanging off of it is just plain weird. Maybe the video will help make sense of it all. (via ZooBorns)
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I so didn't need to see the fifth appendage of Mr T... How did you find this?

By Magnus Malmborn (not verified) on 18 Aug 2006 #permalink

This seems awfully like the work of Henry Darger. Well, except that the little girls have been replaced with Mr. T.

Uh, isn't that kind of NSFW?

Of course, I also didn't need to see the sexualized images of pandas and the thing I can't convince myself isn't child porn that were elsewhere on that site.

By Anne Nonymous (not verified) on 18 Aug 2006 #permalink

For the record, any commercial use of this image would run afoul of a new law in Oklahoma. It makes it a crime to use the likeness of a military veteran without their consent.

Yes, Laurence Tureaud did wear the uniform. No, it wasn't in a "crack commando unit."