Peak Piratery?


Please, say it ain't so. We've just put up the pirate flag on our house.


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Shouldn't it be "piracy"?

Shouldn't it be "piracy"?

Nah, "Piracy" is what pirates do. "Piratery" is what non-pirates who think pirates are cool do.

* Attacking a ship and illegally seizing its cargo = Piracy.
* Flying a jolly roger from your house and saying "Arrrr!" = Piratery.

I thought everybody had a pirate flag. I hung mine in my office when I was the UNIX Supervisor, as a fair warning to my inferior Windows Administrators.

Just remember not to fly it in Winter, otherwise your timbers may shiver.

By Neutral Observer (not verified) on 21 Aug 2006 #permalink

I thought everybody had a pirate flag. I hung mine in my office when I was the UNIX Supervisor, as a fair warning to my inferior Windows Administrators.

I have a new hero! Indeed the mark of a true BOFH.


By Martin Christensen (not verified) on 21 Aug 2006 #permalink

Peak pirate. That's funny but a thought provoking theory. I say yes we have. We passed peak pirate the weekend after that Pirate movie opened this summer.

Only the turn of FSM Himself could return us to such highs.

I wonder if this will affect the chances of Piratz Tavern, a pub about to open in suburban Washington, DC. Of course even at the supposed peak of piratery, everybody I mention it to thinks it's a dumb idea which is doomed, even though *I* want to go there when it opens.

I think the way current laws are, that if you flew that from a boat you could be attacked and taken as a prize....

By oldhippie (not verified) on 21 Aug 2006 #permalink

A true pirate was Captain Nancy Blackett ( Amazon Pirate ) - who went so far as to tip her IUncle the Black spot .....

"Titty" Altounyan died last year, aged (I think) 87 .....

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 21 Aug 2006 #permalink

I'm more-or-less down with the FSM and all, but I have to get this off my (live man's, heh) chest:
I don't get the pirate thing.

CCP: As an amused outsider, all it seems to be is making use of a conjunctive fallacy to create more humour: pirates are cool; the FSM is cool; therefore, wouldn't the FSM be cooler if it was involved with pirates some how?