For members of the FCD

I have just received word that the Friends of Charles Darwin website is getting a facelift and will be relaunched tonight, at 21:30 BST, and everyone is supposed to simultaneously sip from a glass of malt whiskey. That's in about 4 hours…hey, that's tea time! We can't be guzzling alcoholic beverages that early in the day!

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The hell we can't!

Email from Richard FOFCD (Founder of Friends of Charles Darwin): "Shit! I knew you were up to something. 3 new members in 10 minutes. Better not blow this one!"

17 minutes and counting. You may pour. (Richard was responsible for getting Darwin's portrait on our £10 note. Not bad, eh? I just hope pressure of PHP coding under Pharygulous scrutiny isn't too much.))

I do love whiskey, and although it will be belated, I too will tip my glass to them, and to science.

To science! The cause of - and solution to - all of life's problems!

Why not?

Except I don't have any single malt in the house and I broke my toe today so I don't want to go out. Guess I'll toast him and science with a beer!

Thanks for joining me, friends. As I type, it's 2am in the UK, and I'm about to hit the sack, having made impressive inroads (even by my standards) into my bottle of finest Laphroaig.

Since Peter tipped off PZ about the relaunch earlier this afternoon (by which, I mean yesterday afternoon, UK time), the Friends of Charles Darwin have received 20 new members, including our 100th member from the UK.

Expect more new content once I sober up in a few weeks' time.

Once "the sun is over the yard-arm" ( i.e. approx 12.00 hrs local time, it is appropriate to have a drink.

US prhibitionism still lingers I see ...

( Speaking as a life member of CAMRA - the Campaign for Real Ale... )

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

We can't be guzzling alcoholic beverages that early in the day!

Or drinking whiskey, which one of my friends aptly described as "cough syrup spiked with rubbing alcohol."

Azkyroth, whiskey with an 'e' is the Irish version of the drink. Although the Irish are generally credited with having invented the stuff, the Scottish version (scotch whisky - no 'e') is vastly superior - especially the malts from the Isle of Islay. Mind you, your friend is quite right: my favourite malt, Laphroaig, certainly has a delicate hint of cough syrup about it. It is a complex and acquired taste.