If you've heard the strange little anecdote about GW Bush that's going around, you will find Tild hilarious today. The illustration is perfect.

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I'm afraid I haven't heard that anecdote. Did Dubya break wind in the palaces of the mighty... literally?

By minimalist (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

The correct White House term is "Clean Break" invented by the neocons.

Sorry to digress a bit, but does anyone else find this just a tad ghoolish ?
(Yes,I realize Fox news is ghoolish, but that's not what I am referring to). And why would they want to mate two two-headed snakes ? Is someone in need of a quick refresher in developmental genetics ??

Maybe he could just fart his way through the next press conference cum worship-me service.

Reporter: Mr. President, what did Saddam have to do with 9/11?

Bush: Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt. Heh heh heh! Prrrrt. Prrrrt. Prrrrt. Next question.

It would have about the same value.

Along George's suggestion, if some reporter drew an analogy between global warming and human CO2 emissions, and George Bush farting in a car with the windows up and then saying, "Wasn't me," would chimpy finally get it?

Time for Dr. Tim Johnson to do a segment on that ABC good morning t.v. show:

What is a fart and why does it smell?

Does the President's farting pose a health risk?

Give it to us, Dr. Tim!

Did Dubya break wind in the palaces of the mighty... literally?

The latest "Bush is just a regular guy" piece came out a few days ago and backfired -- if you'll pardon the mental picture that brings forth -- as it pointed out that Bush not only likes fart jokes, but deliberately farts in front of new aides. Way to bring back that honor and dignity to the WH.

Digby pointed out this morning that a less reamrked but also significant part of this piece was the statement that Bush is "is paranoid around women, always worried about his behavior."

W's liking fart jokes and pull-my-finger is one his few redeeming qualities.

By Stephen Erickson (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

Very fitting acronym for that idiot.

P(President)O(of)T(the)U(United)S(States) for the very few of you that don't know the acronym. Pootus fits so much better.