The PIGs keep coming


Oh, no. Our work is never going to end. You should take a look at the new Politically Incorrect Guides that will be coming out after Wells'.

At least the Politically Incorrect Guide to the Holocaust looks like it will be very short.

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Poor Gauss, having his features associated with Dembski's name like that. If he weren't dead, he ought to sue.

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 27 Aug 2006 #permalink

Damn, PZ, you had me going there for a minute.

By Millimeter Wave (not verified) on 27 Aug 2006 #permalink

Damn you, PZ! I now have to make a picture for the PIG guide to AIDS (written by Peter Duesberg and Pope Benedict XVI)... Photoshop is already running...

e^(Ïi) != -1

I mean, i and e aren't even numbers! They're fucking letters! And don't even get me started on Greek horseshit. Ï?! PUH-LEEEEEZE!

The PIG to Islam really sets me off. No matter how true their claims are, it's nice to see them hold up the old Christian doctrine of "turn the other fist".

An acquaintance of mine in Russia self-publishes a sort of atheist magazine. Once when sitting in a coffee shop with some friends he was approached by a couple of nice Russian Orthodox lads in their early twenties. After a minute or two of abuse my friend suggested they at least leave the cafe. They did and the Orthodox lads proceeded to beat him up... Fortunately, he ended up with just a torn ear and a cracked rib or two...

Did you know? (from the Regnery blurbs about the PIG books, since therre is no way in hell I'm going to pay to read them)

*Freud published his ideas at the age of 3???

(since Freudianism apparently predates Darwinism)

*Darwin = Hitler, but it took that liberal freak FDR to manipulate the US into war -while being in bed with Stalin-, in order to stop the Holocaust???

(from the PIG to American History)

Re: e^(Ïi)! = -1

Hey, I'm worried about that factorial! And since factorials don't figure too often in discussions of order of operations, are we talking about the factorial of the exponent or the entire exponential? Of course, if it's the whole exponential, then we're talking about (-1)!, which is a problem. Oh, dear. And don't get me started on that gamma function thing.

Thanks for the linkage!

I just want all of you to know that my insider has informed me of a possible Politically Incorrect Guide to Rocks and Minerals in the distant future, and there are talks of a Politically Incorrect Guide to Particle Physics in the works. I can't wait.

when are we gonna get the Political Incorrect Guide to Politically Incorrect Guides?

now THAT would be useful.

I didn't doubt it for a second. In fact, I still don't.

By junk science (not verified) on 27 Aug 2006 #permalink

how about... now?

Nope. Searching for it on Amazon this very second.

By junk science (not verified) on 27 Aug 2006 #permalink

"e^(Ïi) != -1"

Yes, e^(Ïi) is about complex numbers, and as you say that the simpleton Dembski using NFL and his beloved random search will never find any of those among the real numbers.

As a pure mathematician I'm sure Dembski fits in the extreme asymptotic range of the lower half of a Gaussian distribution. But as an applied mathematician he fails completely since he hasn't yet succeeded in modelling any natural phenomena correctly. In the terms of Gauss' theorem on divergence, in applications Dembski is all sinks and no source - he is observed to suck.

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 27 Aug 2006 #permalink

I suggest we don't get mad (about the real PIGs), we get even.

How about the PIG for religion. Currently, we're on the really politically incorrect side. Think we can get Dawkins to write the intro?

By ParanoidMarvin (not verified) on 27 Aug 2006 #permalink

The PIG to American History told me that the Puritans did not actually steal any native lands! I suppose 400,000 acres for a trinket made sense to a Puritan.

By Pattanowski (not verified) on 28 Aug 2006 #permalink

I don't know. I'd buy the PIG guide to Middle-Earth. Indeed, I wants it my precious.

As a pure mathematician I'm sure Dembski fits in the extreme asymptotic range of the lower half of a Gaussian distribution.

That's putting it mildly. He has published exactly 1 paper in a refereed mathematics journal. It was on probability measures, or something like that, so it wasn't really even a pure topic anyhow. Sometime, if you want to kill some brain cells, but you don't want to drink heavily, you could pick up this book called "Mathematics in a Postmodern Age: A Christian Perspective" and watch him mutilate the pragmatic philosophy beyond all recognition.

In the terms of Gauss' theorem on divergence, in applications Dembski is all sinks and no source - he is observed to suck.

If there is a kind and loving God in heaven, that quote will appear on Dembski's next book. That was priceless, man.

I actually prefer the equivalent e^(iÏ)+1 = 0 for that way two more of the most important numbers in mathematics get worked in.

Yeah, and putting Gauss and Dembski together ... shudder ... even parody has limits!!