People send me things that put lust in my heart.
I want one of these.
I want some of these, too.
I need a seal like this so I can stamp all my official correspondence with it.
Clearly, there will be a future need for Space Squid Conservationists.

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Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute had a giant inflatable squid at their open house:
It was supported by a clear inflated cone. We assumed that was its stomach, and were disappointed when the children weren't sucked up into the mouth and dropped into the innards. *sigh*
(I didn't upload the photos that show the squid more fully, as they just weren't all that good. But I'm willing. :) )
I see what you mean. What is it with the one-eyed octopussies all over the place? Does that make them scarier? Cycloptopus!
Umm...what is the "Best Secret Society" anyway? Is it somethig to do with gigantic cephalopods, because if so, I want in.
Incentive for your students: "A" homeworks get an embossed cthulhu.
At 15' long is "Archibald" machine-washable though, even if the component materials are?
How much does Archibald cost? He's so cute!
"clearly, thgere will be a future need for Space Squid Conservationists"
Of course. We wouldn't want to end it too quickly. Waste of good human.
"Clearly, there will be a future need for Space Squid Conservationists."
Of course, the sign on the *other* side probably reads: "warning: vicious mammals". :-)
Where was that pic of squid kites taken, please? I swear it was a couple miles from my home, cause I believe I saw them flying:
Chris, here's one west-coast site (with pix) for cephalopod kites: Berkeley Kite Wranglers
It's a preconception by mediocre minds that squids can only live in water.
I love it when my kids' friends come over and are jealous of my Cthulhu... really must find my 3 foot long squid again, too. It's around here someplace...
The octopi kite look like they are from the annual Berkeley Kite Festival. Very fun if you are ever in Berkeley CA in late July/early August