Good scrubbin'

Oh, boy…Boingboing mentions something squid-related and everyone sends me email. Should I mention that I brought up Squid Soap back in August? (Hah! That Doctorow fellow thinks he's so cutting edge. Poseur.) However, Craig Clarke just sent me some information on a holy cruciform-shaped scrub brush, and it seems to me that we have to get these two products together.




If you're going to wash away the sins of the world, you ought to do it with squid soap, I think.

More like this

If you're going to wash away the sins of the world,

Perfect for us "great unwashed masses," as Dembski likes to say. (Man, that phrase irritates me! He keep using it.)

(Yeah, and why does he often say, "and I include myself" in that phrase? Did he work as a cocktail waitron through college? Doubt it. Try it sometime, Bill, it'll destroy your romantic cornball pretentions to poverty when you gather your paltry, smelly tips.)

But nothing will clean the stain from my soul!

Oh man, they've gotta come out with the holy loofa. Sacro-erotic.

By barstoolcadaver (not verified) on 22 Sep 2006 #permalink

PZ: You may think you've scooped me, but my zombie creationist-squirrel half-breed army has a line of bath oils in the works.


By Scott Hatfield (not verified) on 22 Sep 2006 #permalink

holy loofa

Misspelling alert! It's spelled "Falafel".

That site with the scrub brush really does some awesome product/art designs, though. Some of which I may copy some day. :)

PZ, aren't you supposed to be partying or something? What are you doing blogging...go back to the party!! :-).

By Zohn Smith (not verified) on 22 Sep 2006 #permalink

But is that suid soap actually MADE from squid?
I'll bet you could figure out a way to make REAL squid soap.

Come to think of it, maybe someone already has. What's the stuff from the backs of comic books and the Johnson-Smith catalog, the stuff that turns your hands black? Could that be it?

What is this post about? lol Forget all this talk about evolution and religion, I need money and a job. lol Please help! Maybe I can sell squid soap?

But is that s[q]uid soap actually MADE from squid?

Uh ... what? I thought 'Squid Soap' was for washing squids... right?
After all, 'Human Soap' is for washing humans ... at least, that's what I've been told by the good people at Cthulhu Hygiene and Toiletries.


Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep.

Sat. night on the sci fi channel.

Now we'll see what's what!

"With soap, baptism is a good thing." --Robert G. Ingersoll

Sontag might delve a little deeper, but by any dispassionate, objective measure, your campy take on christianity is really gay. You know, like totally outrageous Late Nite Catechism, Nunsense-styled Off-Broadway comedy musical theatre; "naughty" parody and Jesus action figure type of wicked fun. It's so cute and cheeky! I mean, who do those priests think they're fooling? Come on! You know what I mean!

By skyview satellite (not verified) on 22 Sep 2006 #permalink

Sontag might delve a little deeper, but by any dispassionate, objective measure, your campy take on christianity is really gay. You know, like totally outrageous Late Nite Catechism, Nunsense-styled Off-Broadway comedy musical theatre; "naughty" parody and Jesus action figure type of wicked fun. It's so cute and cheeky! I mean, who do those priests think they're fooling? Come on! You know what I mean!

Either skyview satellite has forgotten to take his meds, or I have, because I can't make a damned bit of sense out of this.

Craig, it's Bother-Your-Brother-In-The-Car Disputation Fallacy "Recursive Straw Man With Triple Somersault," verbally equivalent to "Why do you always do that thing where you go like THIS" (accompanied by a harsh squint, tongue out, thumbs in ears, and fingers waving).

By speedwell (not verified) on 23 Sep 2006 #permalink

Craig, it's Bother-Your-Brother-In-The-Car Disputation Fallacy "Recursive Straw Man With Triple Somersault," verbally equivalent to "Why do you ALWAYS do that thing where you go like THIS" (accompanied by a harsh squint, tongue out, thumbs in ears, and fingers waving).

By speedwell (not verified) on 23 Sep 2006 #permalink

Wow. Picture how you would feel, scrubbing the kitchen floor with that cross. I mean it IS for WOMEN, right? I guess if you were a MAN, you could scrub the CAR with it....but that feels completely different.


I think scrubbing the CAR would make you feel materialistic and guilty (Christ DAHD for mah SINS, he gave all his money to the poor, but I bought this fucking ACURA! I am soooo shallow), but scrubbing the FLOOR would hollowly remind you of the banishment from Eden, (you dirty apple-eating slut), scrub HARDER, scrubbing the floor shall always be your LOT, your LOT and your CROSS TO BEAR!!!

I think scrubbing the CAR would make you feel materialistic and guilty (Christ DAHD for mah SINS, he gave all his money to the poor, but I bought this fucking ACURA! I am soooo shallow), but scrubbing the FLOOR would hollowly remind you of the banishment from Eden, (you dirty apple-eating slut), scrub HARDER, scrubbing the floor shall always be your LOT, your LOT and your CROSS TO BEAR!!!

Why does this turn me on a little?

(I feel so dirty.)

By j.t.delaney (not verified) on 25 Sep 2006 #permalink