Maybe they're just drawn that way

Jesus and Mo have a revealing conversation.


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Wow. Funny, and I wish I could use this in my high school classroom, but of course I can't. For that matter, the cartoonist will be the subject of a fatwa once certain Muslims get wise to this one. Islam has always prohibited any visual representation of the Prophet, and I don't think calling him 'Mo' is going to placate some folks...SH

By Scott Hatfield (not verified) on 26 Sep 2006 #permalink

Hey thanks! I wonder why I never see these cartoons in my local family newspaper? Hmmm...

I also wonder why the cartoonist never shows the barmaid. I bet she's hot.

Thank you, thank you PZ for introducing me to Jesus and Mo! When I looked at yesterday's strip I had tears rolling down my face at Mo's line "Does a bear transubstantiate?"
Thanks also for the post on alcohol and evolution. It really helped to crystalize microbial metabolism for me in a way I will never forget. Science should be fun. It sticks better that way. And Apikoros, I AM that barmaid (twenty years!).

Stuart: It's someone behind our POV, presumably Mo.

By David Harmon (not verified) on 26 Sep 2006 #permalink

Correction: The invisible person is an apparently-anonymous barmaid. I was a little slow on the uptake.

By David Harmon (not verified) on 26 Sep 2006 #permalink

I am the author of Jesus and Mo, and I can confirm that the barmaid is hot.

(Thanks for the link, PZ)

These are great, aren't they? I even found the one where the hotness of the barmaid is revealed:

So, kmiers, which one is it? Please post a picture. And by the way, just how many nights a week do you get Jesus and Mohammed in your bar?

Sorry, messed up the link. I'm only a biologist, folks.

What is a "Baby Spice"? That said, I would have to say Pamela Anderson. Before the boob job. And I thank whatever is is I feel like attributing satisfaction to THIS week that most of my clients are more enlightened than J 'n' Mo. After all I have been cultivating toward this outcome for many years. J and Mo feel uncomfortable sitting at my bar.