AiG honesty, at last

Creationists don't lie all the time, and sometimes the truth can slip out. For instance, Ken Ham has recently admitted that they engage in fabrication, and have even shown pictures illustrating how good they are at fabricating "biblical truths."

(Yes, this is an example of quote mining.)

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Another way to twist the minds of children. What a fairytale. I checked out the walk through, it's disturbing. This will cause scientists to have violent seizures or resort vanalism and, if it wasn't so pathetic, loud fits of laughter.

From the linked article:

An area we have almost completed is the Wonders of Creation room; the sails have been hung to create the false ceiling, the stylish light box display panels have been installed as well as several other scenic elements. This room will surely (as the name implies) show the Wonders of God's Creation.

Umm, a FALSE ceiling to show the Wonders of God's Creation. Indeed Ken Ham has started confessing his sins. Could be that he is becoming a Christian?

I LOVE playing the Quite Mine Game! The following is word-for-word taken from just 2 paragraphs of Ken Hamm's words.
(Well, creationistic word-for-word quote style.)

"Oh my" "An area we have almost completed is the Wonders of Creation hung to create the false elements. This room will surely (as the name implies) show God's Valley of Corruption on an almost daily basis."

added note: "And don't call me Shirley!"

Yes, this is an example of quote mining.

As an expert I can say without fear of contradiction that it wasn't quote mining ... you obviously just wandered too near the Babylon/Confusion exhibit.

The Confusion Exhibit.

Finally, something I can agree with!