Brace yourself, Sixth Congressional District!

Look who's coming to campaign for Michele Bachmann: the home school kids of Patrick Henry College and Generation Joshua.

Abram Olmstead- Upperclassman, Patrick Henry College
Meredith Schultz- Student, Patrick Henry College
Adrienne Cumbus- Upperclassman, Patrick Henry College
Ioanna Lily Cornett- Student, Patrick Henry College
Nathan Martin- Student, Patrick Henry College

We've also got a team of young evangelicals on their way to help out Mark Kennedy. Doesn't it just make your heart do a little happy pit-a-pat dance?

There is a Kansas connection here: one of their leaders is Ned Ryun, son of the odious Kansas politician. I notice that one of the "resources" the site touts is Answers in Genesis—basically, we've got a gang of pathetic creationist conservatives being exported by Kansans to the state of Minnesota to work to make our state as screwed up as theirs. Thanks, Kansas!

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As you know, our own Minnesota Congressman Michele Bachmann is officially running for president. I wonder what it would be like to have the President of the United States of America, like when she goes home to visit her family for Thanksgiving or the Fourth of July or whatever, and all these limos…

Well, actually, Patrick Henry College is in Virginia.

And even though Ned Ryun and his "odious" dad (excellent description!) are from Kansas, we can't claim Ned anymore. After all, he was home-schooled, and thus didn't even get the quality of education that Kansans are getting used these days.

By Albatrossity (not verified) on 25 Oct 2006 #permalink

Are atheists looking forward to the day when they can put these odious people in Gulags?

Just wanted to point out, for the record, that many people choose to homeschool because they are fed up with the low quality of the public schools available to them, or because their children are unable to be respected as secularists.

By speedwell (not verified) on 25 Oct 2006 #permalink

WTF name an educational establishment after a homicidal French paedophile?

Speedwell points out that some people home-school their kids because they are "fed up with the low quality of the public schools available to them". Absolutely true in some cases. But in the case of Ned Ryun, it might not be true. An equally plausible alternative explanation is that his folks have some very strange ideas about the world.

By Albatrossity (not verified) on 25 Oct 2006 #permalink

I'm surprised that all of the evangelicals have fashionably modern hyphenated last names. Could it be that Nathan Martin-Student is related to the guy who did that statistical test with the t distribution?

Are atheists looking forward to the day when they can put these odious people in Gulags?

No, we are just looking forward to the day that they no longer set policy in our country, try to ruin our education system, try to enfore their "morals" on the rest of the population through legislation and are pushed out to the fringes of our culture where they belong.

Troll feeding:

Are atheists looking forward to the day when they can put these odious people in Gulags?

Nope. After all, they sent evolutionary scientists there for opposing Lysenko, didn't they? I wouldn't wish such a religiously inspired crime on anyone.

Could I get some extra Jesus with that?

By melior (in Austin) (not verified) on 25 Oct 2006 #permalink

...or because their children are unable to be respected as secularists.

It's a feature, not a bug. Put down the Jeezus, stay in school, keep studying, and they'll get there some day.

Doesn't it just make your heart do a little happy pit-a-pat dance?

I think maybe you need to cut down on the caffeine.

Could it be that Nathan Martin-Student is related to the guy who did that statistical test with the t distribution?

That was "Student", AKA William Sealy Gossett. He worked for Guinness, and they wouldn't let him publish under his real name.


I wonder how they keep thier tax exemption


Re tax-exempt status, it appears that they fund the student action teams from PAC money

But they still might be bumping up against the law by spending PAC-donated money to support individual candidates. Anybody want to forward this to the IRS?

By Albatrossity (not verified) on 25 Oct 2006 #permalink

Hunh: funny! These mercs were shipped into Virginia for the governor's race: grounds troops to knock doors for the Republicans. Fat lot of good it did them in the end though.

You are, of course, more than welcome to our boy Ryun. I'm especially proud of the role Ned Ryun played in spiking the nomination of Harriet Miers. Ned wrote a Christmas, errr Holiday card for the White House, but Miers declared it too religious. So he wrote angry op-eds about how she waged her war on Christmas.

Good times.

And let's not forget that Laura Bush is flying in to pitch in as well. Michele Bachmann, the Bush Administration;s kind of candidate. How can her district be this conservatives?

OK, I'll ask the dumb question...

Why are some "students" and others "upperclassmen"? Do the terms "Freshman", "Sophomore", etc., imply that the bearer of those titles is going to H-E-doublehockeysticks or something?

Having recently relocated to Dumbfuckistan...errr..I mean, Kansas....PZ, I'm going to be generous here and can keep them!! :)

No really, we don't want them back.



DAMMIT! Lay off my name, you jerks!

The Gen Joshua site has a course on Founding Fathers. It includes:

Lesson 1: The Reverend John Witherspoon
Lesson 2: Noah Webster
Lesson 3: Benjamin Rush
Lesson 4: John Dickinson
Lesson 5: John Quincy Adams - Part I
Lesson 6: John Quincy Adams - Part II
Lesson 7: George Washington
Lesson 8: Samuel Adams
Lesson 9: Revolutionary War Sermon
Lesson 10: Revolutionary Election Sermon

No point in mentioning Thomas Jefferson or Alexander Hamilton when you can talk about the Reverend John Witherspoon and John Dickinson (who opposed independence and didn't stick around to sign the Constitution).

Another perspective of Kansas from Dawkins' blog of his visit:

Last night was my talk at the University of Kansas at Lawrence. It was not readings, but a lecture with a Keynote presentation. The audience was marvellous. Kansas has been unjustly maligned and traduced. Nearly 2000 people turned up and they were wonderfully enthusiastic, laughing and applauding throughout the lecture, then very good questions afterwards, and they stood to applaud at the end. Where does the myth come from that Kansas is full of religious wingnuts? This was a sophisticated, sceptical, intelligent, educated audience. Just about everybody in the signing queue thanked me for coming and for, implicitly, ignoring Kansas's unjust reputation. If last night was a sample of what the Bible Belt is like, things are much better than I had feared. I came away hugely encouraged. Hands off Kansas. Kansas is OK. No doubt there are religious wingnuts there, and they predictably didn't show up to my lecture. But there are good people there too, and all they need to do is to stand up, recognize each other, and get organized. As I told them last night, Fight the Good Fight.

Hi Alba

The may be both tax exempt and fact exempt.

Where do we appy?

Are atheists looking forward to the day when they can put these odious people in Gulags?

No, just to the day when they stop f*cking up this country for sane, rational folk.

Ideally that day would come as the result of these odious people waking up and realizing the folly of their ways . . . but I'll settle for simple political marginalization.

So riddle me this: If we don't believe in God, why do we care what these people do or who wins this election? We're only here for a few pointless decades and then we're gone like a bit of cosmic piss in the wind. Who cares about these people and how many others they convince?

By Altheides (not verified) on 06 Nov 2006 #permalink

So riddle me this: If we don't believe in God, why do we care what these people do or who wins this election? We're only here for a few pointless decades and then we're gone like a bit of cosmic piss in the wind. Who cares about these people and how many others they convince?

By Altheides (not verified) on 06 Nov 2006 #permalink

[Sorry about that; slight web page malfunction. Thank the stars for Microsoft.]

By Altheides (not verified) on 06 Nov 2006 #permalink