Can I get that makeover?

Man, I am so jealous of that Stupid Evil Bastard: he's gotten so lovely for Halloween.


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"Jesus takes Halloween back?" Back?

and to top it off, AC/DC's Back in Black? Yikes.

By Evan Murdock (not verified) on 30 Oct 2006 #permalink


Remember that our founding fathers created Halloween as a Christian/Jebus holiday. After all, how else do you explain 'Pygmies AND Dwarves'.

I must confess that it's the result of one of my readers who's more than a little handy with Photoshop. I wish had that kind of talent myself.

It does make for a fun picture, though.

Ia! Ia! Stupid Evil Bastard Fhtagn!

By K. Engels (not verified) on 30 Oct 2006 #permalink