Why it's alright to be an elite bastard

John Pieret's blog Thoughts in a Haystack has an essay on this that is well worth reading, although I'd rather be called an elite snob than an elite bastard because all Australians are bastards. It's part of the Carnival of the Elite Bastards #1 at En Tequila es Verdad.

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By John S. Wilkins (not verified) on 01 Jun 2008 #permalink

John - your attempt to link to the carnival up there goes to John Pieret's blog. The Bastard Carnival is here

Note that Etha's post that Martin linked to is part of the same Carnival John W. meant to link to.

Thanks, efrique. I fixed it.

By John S. Wilkins (not verified) on 03 Jun 2008 #permalink