It's not just tetrapods!

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Perhaps you might have noticed my brand spanking new banner up there! It was just recently finished by my friend Carl Buell, blogger at Olduvai George and a phenomenal natural history illustrator. I love it, and hope you do too. At the moment, its slightly oversized so I'm gonna have to figure out…
This is very cool. Carl Buell, better known by perhaps my favorite nickname of all time, Olduvai George (if you don't get the reference, do a google search on "Leakey" and all will be revealed), has finally gotten around to starting a blog. Carl has been a frequent commenter here at Dispatches. He…
First - great news! Jennifer and Sean are getting married! They found each other online, blogging physics. Now, I know they are not the first people to find each other online and get married, but, to my knowledge, this is the highest-profile pair of bloggers to do so. And the first I know in the…
Olduvai George does it again: another gorgeous, art-filled post on ancient and modern crocodiles, including a reconstruction of the recently discovered Triassic Effigia.