Japanese researchers prepare the first enlistee in the robot cephalopod legion. If we could only bring together robot cuttlefish and zombie cyborg squid, we could rule the world! Prepare to be subjugated, flimsy, limb-deficient hu-mans.
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All your (undersea) bases are belong to us.
Please tell me I'm not the only one thinking "live action hentai"!
It looks like they used a set of headers on the sides of that thing. That or somebody learned how to use a tubing bender in the middle of fabrication.
Well, this is Japan we're talking about, here!
How does it taste fried, and dipped in a soy sauce and sesame oil vinegarrette?
cuttlefish? I'm not seeing it.
Perhaps it's the lack of cuteness.
Hmm, it's not the number of appendages, but how you use them -
just as it is not the size of your appendage, but.. well, you get the drift.
For me at least, I looks more like the "Respectful Insolence" mascot.
Wow, so there is still hope out there. Good to know.
I, for one, welcome our new robotic cephalopod overlords...
Thought that PZ and the rest of you might get a chuckle out of this semi-topical cartoon.
That V-6 is going to be awful loud unless those headers are attached to a muffler.
They're taking over the world (or at least the seas off Japan)!
Robot Swims Like a Squid
Original story, with more pictures and video, here:
Squid Robot Underwater Inspector Has Unique Propulsion
Someone hurry up and build a robot sperm whale! Never mind; forget I said that. I don't want anyone siccing the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus on me.
You will need to watch out for the penguins when you begin the zombie cyborg squid attack. Check the image linked: