The attack mouse squeaks again!

Casey Luskin is still flailing at Carl Zimmer, and Carl has updated his rebuttal appropriately. It's good entertainment if you find attack mice amusing.

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More tripe from the DI amateur debating society. It does raise the question in my mind (as it no doubt has in others) -- just what is it that fascinates the IDers about flagella? Were they severely potty-trained as children?

BTW, the quiz says I'm 100% secular humanist. And 99% Unitarian-universalist! What's up with that?

Secular Humanism is basically the philosophical equivalent to atheism. And the Unitarians are open to just about any belief, so anybody who is open-minded scores high on the Unitarian portion of that test!

Ah, but Mark, what percentage do you have in common with, say Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons?

Mine is a kind of scary 47%. I got UU 100%. This thing does trip over the 'everyone has a religious faith, including Atheists' fallacy.

By JohnnieCanuck (not verified) on 17 Nov 2006 #permalink

On topic, have any of these fools ever once admitted that their arguments have been destroyed?

This isn't just ignorance on their part, it is deliberate deception with a possible allowance for self deception. It's a wonder more of them don't blow out from the mental stress of their lies vs what they claim the results of lying to be.

That said, Lying for Jesus seems to be an essential tool for those in the profession of wickedness.

By JohnnieCanuck (not verified) on 17 Nov 2006 #permalink