The Xmas Resistance

The denizens of the local chimpanzee refuge have begun to document their strategies in the War on Christmas. I have my own grand scheme, and all I'll say now is that it is subtle and eeeeevil.

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I thought your sinister plan was to unleash packs of dogs trained to go wild upon hearing "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"

Hmm. I love Chrstmas but I don't believe in Santa Clause, Jesus, or God. Where does that leave me?

Eeeevil I can believe -- but YOU, subtle? HA!


By weemaryanne (not verified) on 04 Dec 2006 #permalink

Merry Giftmas...

Happy Festmas...

Now gimme.

writerdd: I think that makes you British. At least you certainly belong in my family. We have a state religion which we don't believe but we still celebrate it's holy-days. Easter too.