Prepare a tribute to Sagan

Via Byzantium's Shores, I have learned that there will be a Carl Sagan memorial blog-a-thon on 20 December, the anniversary of his death. I notice there's also a Skeptics' Circle scheduled for the 21st at Humbug! Online…there are opportunities for some synergy here!


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You've got almost a month to get it together: it's the second annual Carl Sagan memorial blog-a-thon. Write something in honor of Carl Sagan by sometime around 20 December. This event got a huge response last year — it ought to be possible to top it this time around.

If all atheists were as talented and articuate and caring as Carl Sagan, theists would be in deep shit.

Fortunately, they have Dawkins, PZ Myers and Harris fighting the atheist cause.

Carry on!

By Sagan Fan (not verified) on 08 Dec 2006 #permalink

i was moved to start my blog when i started reading 'a demon haunted world'. i never had the luck to see sagan up close but i consider him to be my favorite teacher.

Of course in the monastery we normally do not post quotes from atheists, but this is one that has been push-pinned on the cork board for a very long time, and it still brings a smile to my face, for of all that dear Carl uttered, it was here that I believe he came closest to Truth:

"If you wish to make an apple pie truly from scratch, you must first invent the universe."
-- Carl Sagan

i have an ongoing tribute to the man. my project has been in effect for just over five years now. i am reminded of Carl on a daily basis. i named my first born child Sagan in his honour.

He is on the cover of the current issue of Skeptical Inquirer as well. Yes, toomanytribbles, Demon Haunted World, along with Dawkins's Unweaving the Rainbow, is inspirational.

I'm in the same fix as Keith Douglas. Maybe we could both write really good comments on somebody else's blog and show up as guest posters?

OmiFSM! That's my birthday!

I win!