If you want continuously updated content, the place to go today is Stupid Evil Bastard's joint. He's engaged in a blogathon to raise money for Americans United for Separation of Church and State —so go read, and if you're willing, sponsor him!
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I think NY Senator Chuck Schumer is a jerk, so don't take this defense of him the wrong way. I still think he's a jerk. But this attack on him by the wingnut wrongosphere is just too stupid to pass commenting on:
The executive committee of the National Clergy Council, representing church leaders…
I've been busy today so I haven't had time to write anything, so you all should be out exploring this little corner of the blog neighborhood. Specifically, you should be stopping in at Jason Kuznicki's place to see this post where he fisks the latest ridiculous idea from the religious wrong. And…
First, there was this awful news about Obama's support of "faith-based programs":
Reaching out to evangelical voters, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is announcing plans to expand President Bush's program steering federal social service dollars to religious groups and -- in a move…
Chris Matthews, from last night's Hardball. His guest was talk radio host Racheal Maddow.
MADDOW: Well, it's two sides of the same coin, as far as I can tell. And the real substantive story here is that almost all of the Republican candidates have argued against the separation of church and…
I was going to recommend going out early in the morning and looking for roadkill before the pet food manufacturers get to it; but I see you meant it metaphorically.
Isn't that synechdoche, to call a part the whole, e.g. a worker a "hand"? Really, Les needs lookers.
I'm Blogathonning for RAINN - you can sponsor me, too!