Friday Cephalopod: Bonus!

Since it is Cephalopodmas, I think it's only fitting to throw in another Friday Cephalopod, the psychedelic Wonderpus.


Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.

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Wonderpus photogenicus

LOL! Sounds like somebody grew up watching RoadRunner cartoons!

Now I get it; candy canes are designed after the tentacles of the wonderpus!

So that's why people always give them out at Cephalopodmas!

Wonder if it tastes like peppermint?

The picture is great but the video of this wee(?) beastie moving around is just so cool!
Have a happy cephalopodmas, y'all.

By Steve Cuthbertson (not verified) on 23 Dec 2006 #permalink