Another one joins the legion

Salto Sobrius has become Aardvarchaeology — raise a cup of cephalopod noodle soup and say hello to Martin!

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Martin Rundkvist is a very smart guy. By renaming his blog from Salto Sobrius to Aardvarchaeology, he has displaced my blog from the vaunted #1 spot on the alphabetical list of SB blogs on the front page! Go say Hello and Welcome to this great addition to the Seed blogging family!
Aardvarchaeology's Martin Rundkvist is celebrating his Fourth Blogoversary today! Congratulations Martin! Go say hi!
Tangled Bank #69 has been posted at Salto Sobrius. Martin is labeling it the War on Christmas Edition. He's joking. At least, I think he's joking...
The next Tangled Bank (#58) is coming up on Wednesday, 19 July, at Salto Sobrius. Have you sent in a submission yet? Mail links to your science weblog entries to Martin Rundkvist or or me by Tuesday.

Looks like a winner! I'll have to add it to the blogs I regularly read.

By Paguroidea (not verified) on 29 Dec 2006 #permalink

Great! I hate it when people fix things I can be grumpy about - this spot is no longer a national affair.

(Well, at least I got one last grump out of it! :-)

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 30 Dec 2006 #permalink

Great! I hate it when people fix things I can be grumpy about - this spot is no longer a national affair.

(Well, at least I got one last grump out of it! :-)

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 30 Dec 2006 #permalink