Friday Cephalopod: Threesome!

May your weekend be as fun as theirs.

Loliginid squid mating

Well, more fun, actually…these squid have a frenzied spawning, and then die. Don't go quite that far.

Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.

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You sick bastards. Get your squid porn off my computer screen. As for the squids... those kinky bastards make baby Jesus cry.

How about just a frantic spawning, and then a short coma?

*sigh* no threesomes this weekend, I fear.

YES 'threesome' this weekend, but alas, hitting balls. Not too romantic.

By Selenicereus (not verified) on 02 Feb 2007 #permalink

Thanks for the hot tip on teh Wikipedia, Fred:

The male then attaches a sticky packet of sperm to the female's body. As he reaches out with the sperm packet, he displays a pulsating pattern. The female places the packet in her seminal receptacle, finds appropriate places to lay her eggs in small clusters, and then dies.

I am so turned on right now.